Blog Posts Tagged `bash`

Bash ( /bin/bash ) is the command interpreter on GNU/Linux systems, built as a free alternative to Bourne shell ( /bin/sh ), the command interpreter on Unix. These days, Bash and Shell are synonymous terms and thus shell scripting and bash scripting are the same thing, although Shell and Bash themselves do differ and so a script built to run in Bash might not necessarily also run in Shell without some alterations.

In a nutshell, Bash and Shell scripts are files which can be executed to run operating system level commands, such as file copy operations, or to fire up other command-line software such as FFmpeg for video manipulation or ImageMagick for image manipulation.

We occasionally post helpful Bash scripts for GNU/Linux server administrators, or for performing tasks much quicker than in higher level languages.

The following posts are related to 'bash'. Return to the blog archive for more content, or get in touch via the contact form below if you're looking for something you think we might be able to help with.


Installing Rackspace DriveClient and monitoring agent on Rocky 9 or Alma 9

With CentOS 7.9 hitting end of life this month, we've been setting up new servers recently and decommissioning some of the older servers that we look...

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Submitting WordPress plugins and plugin updates

Having recently launched our first WordPress plugin, the Admin Country Allowlist, I thought it would be useful to collate my notes into a tutorial exp...

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MySQL database backup script for Rackspace

We love Rackspace. They host our cloud of servers, their technicians are excellent, and they provide an additional set of amazing services to us. One...

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