Blog Posts Tagged `mysql`

The following posts are related to 'mysql'. Return to the blog archive for more content, or get in touch via the contact form below if you're looking for something you think we might be able to help with.


Creating WordPress admin users directly via the database

For a multitude of reasons, we don't often pick WordPress as a suitable platform when developing new websites, but we do often migrate existing WordPr...

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Unknown collation: utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci in MySQL and MariaDB

Almost every time we're migrating a WordPress website from one server to another, the database import initially fails with the following error:...

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How to install Sphinx on CentOS

Sphinx is a search engine that you can use instead of directly accessing your databases. The concept is quite simple, you tell Sphinx how to create in...

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MySQL database backup script for Rackspace

We love Rackspace. They host our cloud of servers, their technicians are excellent, and they provide an additional set of amazing services to us. One...

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Global find and replace in MySQL

I often find myself looking for this quick snippet of SQL code, even though I use it pretty much weekly. So, partly for my own reference, here's a qui...

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